908 Rutherford St. Shreveport, LA 71104

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”
–Matthew 25:35-36

The Community Ministries Committee of the Vestry

We believe that God, in his immeasurable love, has called his people of St. Mark’s Cathedral:
To love and to serve Christ
To love and serve one another in Christ
To love and serve the world for Christ.

In 1990 the vestry of St. Mark’s Cathedral wrote this mission statement for our parish. The third phrase, “to love and serve the world for Christ,” is the focus of the work of the Community Ministries Committee. How shall we, the people of St. Mark’s, live out our calling “to love and serve the world for Christ?”

The purpose of the Community Ministries Committee is three-fold:

  • To research opportunities for our parish to reach into the community
  • To inform, engage and facilitate the people of St. Mark’s in opportunities for ministry
  • To be a catalyst for discerning and fulfilling our parish ministry

Seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, St. Mark’s Community Ministries Committee seeks to fulfill its mission as a part of the body of Christ and to do the work of reconciliation that God has given us to do in our community, the nation, and the world. Requests for St. Mark’s involvement in ministry and for funds to support various ministries come before us several times each year. Equally important are the individual calls of the people of our parish to minister in the world.  Activities include an annual Blood Drive, ingatherings for neighborhood schools, homeless shelters, social service ministries, and other community needs often brought to us by members of the congregation. Recommendations for financial support and congregation activity such as ingatherings are reported to the Vestry for review and final decision.

We recruit and coordinate volunteers for programs such as Meals on Wheels, Fuller Center for Housing and other community service activities. Members often visit various local ministries to assess their needs and capacity and report back to the committee with recommendations.  We encourage members of the congregation to bring worthwhile ministries and service opportunities to our attention.

We ask your prayers for a wise and thoughtful response to the tasks ahead, and we invite all members of St. Mark’s to join us in our mission of stewardship.

Community Ministries Policy Statement

Community Ministries Application